Without the context of AMI’s comprehensive and exhaustive training, a list of materials for its own sake would not be useful to parents. Instead we reflect the concepts that children derive from using the materials through our progress reports and during our parent education sessions.

We understand that it is helpful for parents to get familiar with Montessori materials and make better connection with children at home. If parents are interested in the Montessori materials, we invite parents come to our parent education session, get information available online and in parent-friendly books such as Montessori Madness by Montessori parent Trevor Eissler.

The pictures we send out show most of the materials in use. This is a good starting point for dialogue with your child about what he/she likes to do best at school. We also ask parents to join our parent education sessions to get to know more about Montessori curriculum and materials. If parents have any questions or concerns about what your child is learning, we invite parents to call or set up a face-to-face meeting.