What age is best to start Montessori?


The earliest a child can enter a Montessori environment at eBridge is at 6 weeks old in our infant classroom. For those families that need childcare it is ideal to start children at such a young age for them to have the full benefits of functional independence and choice making. Children who are staying at home vary in readiness to have an independent school experience. Some children are clearly driven as toddlers. All children begin to benefit from at least a half day of independent activity guided by the trained teacher, and the multi-aged community of children by age 3 years.

What age is best to start Montessori?2020-02-13T04:08:25+00:00

How can Montessori teachers meet the needs of so many different children?


Montessori teachers generally present lessons to either small groups of children or one child at one time and limit lessons to brief, clear presentations. As a class becomes settled in the first weeks of the school year, the children return to lessons and become engaged with their own activities and learning more deeply as they learn for themselves. Montessori teachers closely monitor this progress through record keeping and observation. Because they work with each child for several years, they get to know their students’ strengths and weaknesses, interests and personalities extremely well. Montessori teachers often use the children’s interests to enrich [...]

How can Montessori teachers meet the needs of so many different children?2020-02-11T00:29:37+00:00

Is Montessori for all children?


Yes, the Montessori method has been successful with children of different backgrounds around the world for over 100 years. However, there is no one school that is right for all children, and certainly there are children who may do better in a different classroom setting. We welcome parents to observe our classroom and communicate their questions and concerns, before and after enrollment. We always make decisions based on the best interest of each child.

Is Montessori for all children?2020-02-11T00:29:49+00:00

What is the Montessori method?


Montessori is an alternative educational method based on the findings of Dr. Maria Montessori early in the 1900’s. Essentially, it posits that children can and should be educated in an independent manner. Doing this with the guidance of a teacher and the use of special interactive materials allows children to learn at their own pace and also has the benefit of helping children to be peaceful naturally. Please read more about the Montessori Principles.

What is the Montessori method?2020-02-11T00:30:06+00:00

Contact Info

57 East Main Street, Suite 101, Westborough, MA 01581

Phone: 508-366-9288

Fax: 508-366-9288

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