Let’s have a great journey together!
We thank you for choosing eBridge and accepting us as partners in assisting the life of your children. A strong partnership between school and home is of great benefit to children. We offer a variety of opportunities for parents to get involved in school activities and to become an active member of our school community.
The school uses FACTS (formerly known as RenWeb) to manage admission and enrollment process, we also use FACTS for tuition management. Parents can use this link to login to your FACTS (or RenWeb) account: From there, you can select Family Log In on top of the page, then choose either FACT Family Portal, which is the portal for admission/enrollment related info, or Payment Plans for tuition payment info.

Parent Communication
Open communication is the foundation of our school’s partnership with families. eBridge Montessori School maintains on-going communication with parents in a variety of ways, including the parent handbook, monthly newsletter, education sessions, parent observation, parent teacher conferences, and parent morning coffee events.
We will offer four parent education sessions each year to support our parents. These are opportunities for parents to deepen their understanding of the Montessori philosophy and curriculum. Education and support will also be offered to parents on topics including discipline, toileting, development and learning.
We send out our newsletter monthly to keep parents informed about school news, events and children’s activities. The Monthly Newsletters are sent directly from our lead teachers.
We also offer a regular schedule of parent morning coffees. This is an opportunity for parents to gather informally and discuss parenting among themselves. Lead teachers and administrators will be present to join the conversation.
Our lead teachers have scheduled time each day to plan for the children and communicate with parents. Our infant and toddler teachers also provide updates to parents throughout the day using electronic forms shared with each family. We encourage parents to communicate any questions or concerns regarding their children or school policy. In general, lead teachers are responsible for discussion regarding children’s progress and behavior while administrators are responsible for school policies and enrollment. Parents should notify teachers of any changes in their home situation that might affect their child’s participation and experience at school or anything that comes up in your child’s conversation that teachers should be aware of.
Parents can reach out to teachers electronically, by note or by phone call. Our teachers will respond promptly, though for the oldest children it will likely be after school. Our teachers are trained to focus on the children and avoid speaking about them in their presence thus they are not available to answer questions or discuss issues at drop off and pick up. Our teachers will be happy to talk to you by phone or meet with you during those times when they are not responsible for children.
Routine Parent-Teacher conferences are held twice a year. They are half-hour meetings held during school hours in the classrooms. Parents will sign up for the conferences in advance. The school administrator sends out the conference schedule so parents can plan their conference time and make child care arrangements if necessary. To make our conferences more productive, children’s progress reports will be sent out to parents via email prior to the conferences so that parents may review the report and prepare questions and concerns before meeting teachers.
During the conferences, teachers discuss in-depth the social, academic, emotional and behavioral aspects of each child’s developmental progress. Parents may ask questions, share their insights and any concerns. Parents are welcome to arrange follow up meetings with teacher after the conference as needed.
Additional conferences may be scheduled at the request of parents or teachers.
Parent observations are another key to understanding Montessori and seeing the methodology at work in a classroom. Parents are invited to observe their children’s classes at least twice a year, usually before the fall and spring conferences. Observations are half hour sessions that take place shortly after children’s morning arrival routine. Parents not only get to see how children function in the classroom, but also see how the whole class works in harmony. It can make conversations with your child and your child’s teacher more meaningful.
We offer monthly open classroom at the primary level. This is an opportunity for the parents to come into the classroom with their child before school. Primary children can show their parents some of materials they are working with and teachers can be available for general conversation.
Parent Volunteers
At eBridge Montessori School, each family is an important part of our community. Participation in your child’s school life is the parents’ privilege, responsibility, and joy. There are numerous opportunities for all parents to participate and contribute talents to benefit our children and our school.
ParentsWeb Enrollment
eBridge Montessori School is excited to announce that our new school management system, FACTS Management Software, is implemented and ready to use. FACTS is a robust and comprehensive software offering many features that enables us to enhance our school management and parent-teacher communication. FACTS ParentsWeb is a private and secure parents’ portal that allows parents to access student information and school information anytime from any place. Parents can enroll students, view and update student and parent information, check school calendar, and read school newsletter online.
Please see the following detailed instructions to set up your RenWeb account:
- Please click here to go to eBridge’s ParentsWeb Login Page
- eBridge Montessori School’s District Code is EB-MA
- Please select Create New ParentsWeb Account.
- Enter in the Email field your email address as provided in your application to the school. (If your email address has changed or if you prefer using a different email, please contact us at with the new information before setting up account.)
- Click the Create Account button.
- You will receive an email from RenWeb Customer Support containing a link that will allow you to create your username and password. For security purposes the link will remain active for 6 hours.
- Please click on the link. A Change/Create Password screen will open. You may use the default username provided, or create a new username. Then type in your desired password into the Password field and Confirm Field.
- Click on the Save Username and/or Password button.
- Close the window.
- Log into ParentsWeb as instructed above.
- After logging in, click on the Family Information button in the left menu.
- Click on the Enrollment/Re-enrollment button to start online enrollment.
- For returning students, the online enrollment forms contain the information the school has on file regarding your student(s). Please review carefully and update as needed in order to ensure accurate information regarding your student(s).
Who Do I Contact with Questions About RenWeb?
Please contact us at if you have any question about RenWeb or our online enrollment process.